My name is Francesca Thomas and I am a SCANNER. I live in Canada and am currently unemployed. But I do have a family to look after, so that keeps me fairly occupied. You want to know the reason why I am not currently employed? I have been out of school for some 30 years now. Some of my skills could be considered to be out of date. So, a few years ago (2008-2009), I went back to a private college to do an Business Administration diploma. I wanted to be able to show employers that my computer and admin skills were up-to-date. I had several choices of courses from which to choose. I could have chosen to specialise in paralegal, accounting, marketing, computers, etc. I should have chosen the paralegal course. But I hate being forced into one niche. So in the end, I chose to do a one year general diploma course that covered everything, meaning I learnt a little about a lot of areas. Unfortunately employers no longer want general administrators who can do a bit of everything, They want specialists who know a lot about one or two areas. Consequently this GENERAL diploma that I have, has become a millstone around my neck as I now have a student loan to pay off, but no job with which to pay it back. After I had graduated from the private college, and after spending an entire year applying for jobs, getting a few interviews, but never getting the job, I eventually stopped looking. Part of the reason why I stopped looking was because I was diagnosed with a chronic illness which means frequent and regular checkups at the hospital. Most employers don't particuarly like new employees taking a day off every 3 months to go to the hospital for a checkup. Two years later, my son was also diagnosed with a chronic illness, (different from mine) which also requires regular 3 month checkups at the hospital, so now I have a full time job looking after both myself and my son. Back in 2007, I started a blog, in which I mainly wrote book reviews. But 4 years later my interest in that slowed down, after I discovered a new way of expressing all my interests. Making webpages on Squidoo. So I spent 2 years on Squidoo writing webpages about all my various areas of interest and I LOVED it. Unfortunately, with Google cracking down on Duplicate Content and Squidoo locking up pages for TOS infractions, I grew disgruntled, removed all my personal and family pages from my Squidoo account, and then sold what was left, to someone who was interested in those topics. As of May 2014, I've been gone from Squidoo for about 12 months now, but I still have the urge to write. So I am starting all over again here in Neocities, with the intention of writing about all my areas of interest here on this website - The Scanners Universe. For more information About Me - please see my Scanner Personality Page. Thank You. ![]() |