Live Long and Prosper - Star Trek

I fell in love with Spock and those logical and un-emotional Vulcans while watching re-runs of TOS (The original series) in the early 1980's. When TNG (The Next Generation) series began showing on TV in 1987, I was hooked. The only trouble was, that there was no Vulcan as part of the bridge crew. I chose to watch and follow Data instead. He made an acceptable substitute for those logical and un-emotional Vulcans.

I didn't get the opportunity to go online until 1998, and in the year 2000, I made my first websites at GEOCITIES. These were Star Trek sites. They look old and amateurish now, but I am reposting them so that you can see just how much I liked Vulcans and the Borg. Other pages are new.

Shirkahr of Vulcan

Kamryn of Borg



Through the Glass Darkly

I also like to read a lot of Star Trek Fan Fiction stories. Most especially those fictions based on the most recent Star Trek versions - which we Trekkers now call the Star Trek Reboot.
This refers to the 2009 and 2013 Star Trek movies starring Chris Pine as Kirk, Karl Urban as Bones, Zachary Quinto as Spock and Zoe Saldana as Uhura.

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